Personal data ("the data") solicited, are treated by Tuukuul, with the finality of provide a good service, know your interest topics and be in the possibility of offering you the ideas that suits your preferences; communicate real information from contacts members of your group of contributors (only in the case that users allow to see their personal data to their contributors) and information that is similar with their affinities, this Privacy Notification is considered to apply it in legal concerns. your data will be use granting the accomplishment of the obligations derived from this legal relationship.

The data will be use in conformity with the "Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares y su Reglamento" (Personal data protection's federal law and its regulation). The confidentiality of data is guaranteed and data is protected by measurements of security administration, technical and physical in order to avoid its danger, alteration, destruction, bad use, access or improper circulation.

Only authorized persons will have access to your information.

In the case of changes to the present Privacy Notification you will be notified in this web site.

You can apply the rights of access, rectification, cancelation or disagreement (ARCO rights) to your data treatment by sending us an e-mail to: